ElectroSep products are designed to recover DNA from agarose gel. DNA (nucleic acid) is first separated by size in an agarose gel, then bound to a Gene Stix membrane in the gel. Gene Stix are removed from the gel and then the DNA is eluted off the Gene Stix into a collection tube.
The ElectroSep family of products can be used for the following applications:
- Size Selection of DNA for use in the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
- Size Selection and recovery of RNA
- NGS Library Prep
- Long Range PCR
- Barcoded Long Range PCR
- mtDNA
- eDNA
Advantages of ElectroSep using Gene Stix Technology:
- No specialized gel electrophoresis equipment needed
- No UV dyes needed in sample
- Does not require use of damaging UV senstive dyes
- Uses Calibrated DNA Migration Gauge in room light
- Multiple Gene Stix can be used with one sample
- Unique Serial Numbering system provides unambiguous sample identification
- No cutting of gel bands required

View Protocols:
In Stock
* Buffers NOT included – please purchase separately
ElectroSep Binding Buffer Concentrate and ElectroSep Elution Buffer Concentrate
Package Insert (79-101224A) for ES-100.pdf